Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Generation Gap free essay sample

The first part of our life was ruined by our parents, and the second-by our children. The. Scott A generation gap Is a popular term used to describe wide differences in cultural norms between the members of a younger generation and their elders. This can be defined as occurring when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior. The term first came into prominence in Western countries during the sass.Although some generation differences have existed throughout the history, during this era preferences between the two generations grew significantly in comparison to previous time, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, drug use, humor and politics. During what was known as the Roaring Twenties a large generation gap occurred due to the older generation having just fought in the war, finding it inappropriate that the younger were out at dance halls listening to jazz music. We will write a custom essay sample on Generation Gap or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The so called MET Generation could also be considered a generation gap between older generation In the late asss and younger generation in the early 90 ; s. The gap was created by the reduction of recycled culture with the advancement of original programming on cable television during the later half of the 80 ;s, limiting the younger generation s awareness of pop culture references that predate the sasss. Nowadays, older generation Is thought to be Independent, experienced, serious and self-sufficient people. While younger people have their own subculture with distinct styles, behaviors, and Interests.Members of this subculture often signal their membership by making distinctive and symbolic tangible choices in, for instance, clothing styles, hairstyles and footwear. However, common interests, dialects and slang, music genres and gathering places can also be an important factor. When most young people hear the words superior music they Immediately associate them with contemporary music act, such as Madonna or something like that. Elderly, on the contrary, prefer to listen to classical music, because they find it eternal, delightful and tasteful one. Fashion Is very important nowadays.Youth consider fashion as a synonym for glamour, beauty and style. For adult people fashion Is not so Important, that s why David Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new. All things considered, there are so many differences between generations. However, people should not allow these differences to affect the relationships between parents and children. Even if you are lack of common opinions, interests and views towards life, it does not mean you don t have to get on well with the adult or younger generation. Our life is full of more important things and values, that we have to treasure. Generation gap free essay sample Generation gap exists always. The problems and misunderstandings between parents and their children are more pressing when they live together. Hundreds, thousands of European over the age of 20 still live in their parents’ home. Some do so out of sheer necessity when they have lost job or are unable to find one. Some seek the perpetuation of a warm and supportive parent-child relationship. Some find it just easier and creepier to stay in the nest. Whatever their reasons, increasing numbers of young Europeans, especially well-educated, middle class young adults are simply not leaving home. The pattern is beginning to worry some parents and sociologist as well. â€Å"Post adolescence† has emerged as a term to describe the phenomenon, which is now rampant in Europe. But may be it’s parents, rather than their children, who have changed. Now a generation of permissive parents has made it easy for the generation of ex-rebels to return to the fold. We will write a custom essay sample on Generation gap or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some parents do everything possible to tempt their children back to the family homestead. Loneliness is tended to push parents and their post-teen children closer together. Some parent, though have begun to rebel at what they see as flagrant exploitation by their own children. Parents complain that children aren’t even embarrassed at being completely dependent. They use the house like a hotel with all services. They treat parents as moneybags and then ignore them or just plain insult them. They take it for granted that the fridge will always be well stocked and the closet full of clean cloths. To get them to do anything around the house, you have to yell bloody murder. Professional observes see some even deeper danger in the emerging situation. Today we have grown men with the behavior patterns of teenagers. They are failing to mature losing their masculinity, turning into what called old young men. And today’s youngsters are suffering from too much security and becoming soft. Much as parents may complain about the overgrown louts hanging about their houses, many of them actually relish the situation. Mothers, especially, divorcees and widows want their kids at home for company. Working mothers ridden with guilt, that they may have neglected their children in infancy, go on trying to atone for it when the children are in their 20s. On the kids side as well, the attractions of protracted adolescence are unlikely to diminish soon. Nowadays they don’t have to move out to make love. They have no problems of bed and board, no taxes, and no bills and no serious points of difference with Mom and Dad. Surely the stay-at-home kids problem is not the only in the family relationships. There should be mutual respect and confidence between wife and husband to create a really harmonious family. The problem of generation gap should be solved in every family in their own way accoding to the conditions and relations. .- These days, grown-ups describe children as difficult, rude, wild and irresponsible. The new generation has a very different view of the importance of work and money. The immediate post-war generation saw the creation of wealth as the most important thing in life, while today young people have other concerns and priorities. They have learned to take economic prosperity for granted and dont feel the need to be workaholics. 3. Some teens say: They (the older generation) think differently; they have staid ideas and wont listen to new ones. Young people dont get listened to by either parents or teachers. Some older people think the young are getting very lazy. Generation Gap free essay sample Some people believe that the phenomenon in source 1 is mainly due to the generation gap between GenYs and their employers, as GenYs and employers are born in different generation, their language usage and ideas are quite different, eg: GenYs like to use slang and the elder people may like to keep traditional things but GenYs like to try brand new things. They may have communication problems while working or interviewing. Then, the GenYs may not fully express their meanings to employers and make conflicts and misunderstanding, which GenYs may lose or give up their jobs. However, while working, everyone should try their best to cooperate with others and change themselves to suit others. While GenYs are facing difficulties in communicating and having conflicts with employers, they are easier to give up and seldom change themselves to suit others. The reason behind of giving up or losing jobs among GenYs is not mainly because of generation gap but the parenting style nowadays which changes the GenYs attitude. We will write a custom essay sample on Generation Gap or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The parents of GenY are more protective to their children compare with before, they help their children plan about their future and save money for the children’s future. These make the GenYs are less responsible and not really worry about losing a jobs, as their family will support their daily needs. Eg: there are more helicopter parents in recent years, they will plan everything for their children, for example: their study schedule, what food which more nutrients is provides, their tutorial class, and open band account for children to save money for the future. Their children seldom need to responsible to arrange their schedule and living, they know that they will know that if they lose the job they can still live and simply stay at home, they will less likely to face challenges and overcome them. Therefore, I think it’s the parenting style of GenYs develop a worse attitude and behavior to GenYs, that they are less responsible and less likely to overcome the difficulties between generation gap or working challenges makes them give up and lose jobs. Second, the educated level among GenYs is higher than before also contribute to the reason of high unemployment rate among young people. As there are usually better educational policies in all governments than before, more and ore people are educated and more of them are receiving high educational level, eg: having degree, diploma†¦ When they are choosing a job, they will choose jobs which are having higher positions and salary, eg: manager, and seldom apply jobs with lowest position and salary, as they are ‘university students’ which represent well educated, professional and are better people in the society. Eg: there are news about a boy educated in the university in Hong Kong cannot find a job in five mon ths time, because he have high requirement to his job and refuse to work from the low. Actually, this case is happened to lots of university graduated people, they refuse to work hard from the lowest position and have high expectation to their jobs. Third, the economy in the whole world is not really good in recent years also contribute to the low employment rate of young people. As the economy is bad, the companies have to save money and fire some staffs. When they need to choose who can be hired and stayed in the company, the younger people are being fired more easily, because they are inexperienced. Eg: When the employer need to cut some staffs in a company, there is one elder staff with experience and one new staff which is young and have less experience, the employer will surely choose the one with experience, as the young staffs still need someone to teach and give resources to grow and learn new things. For conclusion, I think the generation gap between the GenYs and their employers are not the main reason that cause the low employment rate among young people, , the parenting style, education level and worse economy are the main reasons.

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