Thursday, November 28, 2019

Joseph Stalin foreign policies

Introduction Joseph Stalin was born in the year 1879 in Georgia and was an influential politician in Soviet State from the year 1922 until he died in 1953 ( We will write a custom essay sample on Joseph Stalin foreign policies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During this time, Stalin served â€Å"as the first general secretary of the communist party of the Soviet union’s central committee† ( and he managed to consolidate more authority and power in his governance until he become dominant over all other political groups within this party. As a result of his outstanding policies, Stalin geared the soviet State towards achieving major transformation and the country become a â€Å"great industrial power† causing swift economical changes to occur ( Stalin’s policies Foreign policies are combined strategies which a State or a country designs and pursues in order to safe guard its concerns and interests within the international arena ( As such, Joseph Stalin had developed specific policies in order to ensure that Soviet Union was successful in many areas primarily in national security. Throughout his reign, Stalin took necessary measures to develop strategies which enabled him maintain power while on the other hand safeguarding the interest of his country ( Joseph Stalin was obsessed with power and for this reason he wanted to be in a position where he can command and control everything; he therefore developed different strategies such as policies to maintain political power, policies to enable Soviet State acquire economically stability so that the country could become superior over its enemies and policies to safeguard the interest of the nation ( Discussion Foremost, when Joseph Stalin came into power, he formulated policies which would enable him stay in power for a long time by eliminatin g all the people who worked in the previous administration while replacing this group of employees with his own people and friends ( Thereafter, Stalin also initiated a revolutionary wave which would see the Soviet Union acquire higher level of economical stability driven by the industrialization process ( During this industrialization process, there were major developments in the Soviet state and the government was fully able to control all sectors of the country including the most important sectors such as the treasury department because of Stalin hold on power. This firm control was necessary for Stalin’s administration because it enabled the government to direct funds in developing capable and strong military defense that Stalin needed to advance his military policy that was meant to be both defensive and aggressive ( Additionally, as a result of the high level of industrialization, the Soviet Union became self sufficient and very devel oped in terms of military power as the country was generating sophisticated and high standard military weapons to further its foreign military policy.Advertising Looking for essay on biography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Stalin also strengthened the country’s army in other ways through quality training of the country’s Red army which was intended to function as preemptive and preparative strategies in case of conflict outbreak between itself and its German neighbors or other countries such as Japan ( Just before the outbreak of Second World War, Stalin had established a policy to increase the number of military officers and by the year 1939 he had made sure that the population of army in the country had increased tremendously; in fact about 1.9 million of the population was army officers ( This ensured that the state was fully prepared to preempt any military attack especially form the Germans ( In this regard it is good to understand that just before the year 1930, Stalin had not developed a good foreign policy for his country, but since he was an ambitious person, Stalin did everything within his power to prepare his country for any eventuality of war which ultimately occurred. As a commanding leader of the Soviet Union, Stalin also developed several foreign strategies aimed at protecting the interests of the Soviet State apart from the military end ( Towards this end, Stalin established several strategies that ensured his country become recognized as an aggressive power. He then advanced a policy to protect the land of the Soviet State which was the basis of the countries saying that stated â€Å"we do not want a single foot of foreign territory, but we will not surrender a single inch of our territory either† ( in which he was quoted saying during one of his many speeches to his people ( This particular policy was adopted by Stalin just few months before the outbreak of World War II ( After this policy, Stalin desire to protect his country made him develop a much better foreign policy that was reconciliatory in nature which enabled Soviet Union to pursue open dialogues with most of the neighboring countries in order to build good relationship with these countries so that they could become allies in case of an outbreak in war ( Therefore during this time, Stalin developed policies that were both defensive and reconciliatory by strengthening the military while at the same time pursuing a policy that intended to befriend its neighboring countries. Indeed, Stalin developed about four major foreign policies which served as effective instrument of promoting strong military and good relationship with its neighbors. The first was to build up a good business relationship with all neighbor countries so that Soviet Union could win their trust by e ngaging with them in trade. The second strategy was to avoid any form of conflict or argument between Soviet Union and the neighboring countries so as to maintain strong bonds of friendship ( We will write a custom essay sample on Joseph Stalin foreign policies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The third policy was to create a strong Red army and navy in order to facilitate reinforcement of the military force and also enable the defense mechanism to be ready to handle attackers from every side at any given time. Lastly Stalin developed another policy of creating good relationship with all foreigners living in his country whilst also ensuring good international bonds were maintained with its allies ( It is clear that, Joseph Stalin was a strategist and through his scheming he also ensured that treaties of all the above agreements that furthered the country’s policies were sign ed by the neighboring countries as a mark of commitment to these goals. Stalin also created foreign policies that addressed other countries policies that were being made by its enemies such as Poland and German; because he responded to this by pursuing policies that intended to make allies from its friendly countries. Pros and cons of Joseph Stalin During the period when Joseph Stalin was in authority, the Soviet Union experienced major transformations such as industrialization, economical development and good military defense which are among the most positive achievements of Commander Joseph Stalin as discussed below during his reign ( Since Stalin was an ambitious person, he did everything within his power to ensure that the Soviet Union would become a superior state. Therefore, during his reign, Stalin developed a strong team in his government that helped in facilitating urbanization of the Soviet Union to become more industrialized than ever before ( m). This is because Stalin was very determined to make the Soviet Union acquire higher level of industrialization despite the internal pressure which was opposing his initiatives. Stalin sold much of the agricultural products all over the land so that he could be able to acquire funds that would facilitate his government in supporting this project. This is no doubt one of the many achievements that Joseph Stalin achieved because of the great desire to have his country become much superior as well; this is one of his greatest achievements ( In addition, Joseph Stalin enabled the country to acquire economical stability due to the major developments that he facilitated in the industrial sector. Because of the higher level of industrialization acquired by the Soviet State, the country was able to be of economical influence over other neighboring countries in the region ( Furthermore, Stalin also was able to develop a strong and capable military defense wh ich he invested heavily in order to safeguard the interest of the Soviet State. During this period, Stalin invested heavily in strengthening the Red army in every front such as by increasing training for the navy and airborne officers. Besides this, Stalin also advocated for increase in the number of army soldiers in order to ensure that the country was ready to face its enemies during war outbreak which had by then became imminent ( Looking for essay on biography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Despite of all these achievements, Joseph Stalin as a leader of the Soviet Union also negatively affected the country because of his foreign policies as well as his internal policies and his great ambitions to acquire more power. While trying to develop an industrialized State, Stalin had to sell a lot of agricultural products such as wheat from the farmers which eventually caused a great famine and consequently caused a mass death of Soviets citizens due to lack of enough food in the country ( Furthermore, while imposing his policies, Stalin violated the right and freedom to religion by abolishing all religious activities across the nation ( Works Cited â€Å"Joseph Stalin (prime minister of Union of Soviet.† Web.. â€Å"Stalin statue in Virginia a huge bust†. 2010. Web. â€Å"Biography : Joseph Stalin, 2009†. Web. https://www. â€Å"Biography for Joseph Stalin†. 1998. Web. â€Å"Joseph Stalin Biography, 2004†. Web. This essay on Joseph Stalin foreign policies was written and submitted by user Dakota Glenn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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